
štvrtok, 05. jún 2014

Prednáška pre zamestnankyne firmy Dell

Prednáška o správnej životospráve a samovyšetrení prsníkov pre zamestnankyne firmy Dell sa konala dňa 05.06.2014 na pôde firmy Dell v Bratislave.

Breast cancer awareness & special offer for all….

Every woman, also our man colleagues’ spouses, daughters, sisters, mothers should pay attention to these questions:

When was your last preventative screening?

Are you part of the 20% going through the screening regularly or the rest of Slovakia which does not go?Isn’t it hazard to your health if you don’t go? Change your attitude, encourage yourself and all women in your families. October is month of breast cancer awareness, so why not to start right now? Use this special offer: Free preventive examination and/or screening Who can use it?: All women team members as well as all our daughters, sisters, wifes, mothers. Where: Pink Ribbon and Preventive Center of Oncological Hospital St. Elisabeth (Preventívne Centrum Onkologikého Ústavu sv. Alžbety) How does it work? Have the recommendation for mammography or sonography from your doctorCall the Preventive Center: 02/ 32 24 94 58 and make the appointment. (Recommended time for calling is 9am – 2pm) We started a cooperation with Pink Ribbon, non-profit organization which aims to improve education about prevention and early detection of oncological disease about a year ago. Onsite discussions with many of you and MUDr. Kallayova showed us that this initiative is something what we plan to support going forward. We want to make sure that our men and women know, what they can do to avoid the breast cancer negatively impacting their lives, that healthy life style and early detection are the best prevention. Don’t hesitate to use any opportunity to protect your health. Your Wise team.

štvrtok, 05. jún 2014